un blog ce prezinta o galerie mica de poze interesante pentru toate gusturile. daca imi apreciati gusturile va rog sa lasa-ti un comment....daca nu...te rog sa ma ajuti sa inteleg ce nu-ti place. Enjoy!
I don't know right now in this domain of photography what I'm looking for while surfing the web, talking to people. I'm searching for perfection, the perfect shot, the newest design. This post will reflect this search of perfection,and the time spent just for relaxing while listening to music. Relax and enjoy the wiew,i hope, while listening to your favourite song.
I noticed your link to freerice and I thought I would let you know of another great charity site which is AIDtoCHILDREN.com. It donates money to children in need through World Vision.
well...what may I say?..it seems that you like to make references to happyness and a careless life..godd for you..but the problem is that life isn't this way:p...good article though
lovely website. you just seem to post pictures from the most odd but beautiful places in the world. I love the collection that you put up in each of your post.
persoana dinamica, isteata mereu capabila de mai mult, in cautare de provocari(de aceea am facut ascest blog). pasiuni:art, footbal, cicling. Vacanta perfecta: la munte cu prietenii:)
6 comentarii:
I noticed your link to freerice and I thought I would let you know of
another great charity site which is AIDtoCHILDREN.com. It donates money to children in need through World Vision.
Check it out at http://www.aidtochildren.com
well...what may I say?..it seems that you like to make references to happyness and a careless life..godd for you..but the problem is that life isn't this way:p...good article though
Greeting from Jakarta.
Your blog is great! Wonderful photos.
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Harry Nizam
wow nice photos! can i borrow one of your photos as banner for my blog? Please?
lovely website. you just seem to post pictures from the most odd but beautiful places in the world. I love the collection that you put up in each of your post.
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